Bringing the zlib-based gzip/gunzip/zcat over to toybox is a problem for
another day, but at least the tests are easy...

(These tests pass with TEST_HOST and on the toolbox versions, but the
toybox toys are in pending and very broken.)
 tests/gunzip.test | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/gzip.test   | 78
 tests/zcat.test   | 34 ++++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/gunzip.test
 create mode 100644 tests/gzip.test
 mode change 100755 => 100644 tests/zcat.test
From 820e8e5b7c10e96664a2615d95e554069656c384 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Elliott Hughes <>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 13:29:30 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Add the gzip/gunzip/zcat tests I wrote for toolbox

Bringing the zlib-based gzip/gunzip/zcat over to toybox is a problem for
another day, but at least the tests are easy...

(These tests pass with TEST_HOST and on the toolbox versions, but the
toybox toys are in pending and very broken.)
 tests/gunzip.test | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/gzip.test   | 78 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/zcat.test   | 34 ++++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/gunzip.test
 create mode 100644 tests/gzip.test
 mode change 100755 => 100644 tests/zcat.test

diff --git a/tests/gunzip.test b/tests/gunzip.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f9ef5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gunzip.test
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+[ -f ] && .
+#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"
+# Decompress files.
+# On success, the input files are removed and replaced by new
+# files without the .gz suffix.
+echo -n "foo " | gzip > f1.gz
+echo "bar" | gzip > f2.gz
+testing "with input files" "gunzip f1.gz f2.gz && 
+    ! test -f f1.gz && ! test -f f2.gz && 
+    test -f f1 && test -f f2 && 
+    cat f1 f2" "foo bar\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f2 f1.gz f2.gz
+# With no files, decompresses stdin to stdout.
+echo "hello world" | gzip > f.gz
+testing "no files (stdin to stdout)" "cat f.gz | gunzip > f && 
+    test -f f.gz && cat f" "hello world\n" "" ""
+rm -f f f.gz
+# -c	Output to stdout
+echo -n "foo " | gzip > f1.gz
+echo "bar" | gzip > f2.gz
+testing "with input files and -c" "gunzip -c f1.gz f2.gz > out && 
+    test -f f1.gz && test -f f2.gz && 
+    ! test -f f1 && ! test -f f2 && 
+    cat out" "foo bar\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1.gz f2.gz out
+# TODO: how to test "gunzip -f"?
+# -k	Keep input files (don't remove)
+echo "hello world" | gzip > f1.gz
+testing "-k" "gunzip -k f1.gz && cat f1 && zcat f1.gz" \
+    "hello world\nhello world\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f1.gz
+# Test that gunzip preserves permissions and times.
+export TZ=UTC
+echo "hello world" | gzip > f1.gz
+chmod 0411 f1.gz
+touch -a -t 197801020304 f1.gz
+touch -m -t 198704030201 f1.gz
+testing "permissions/times preservation" \
+    "gunzip -k f1.gz && stat -c '%a %X %Y' f1 && stat -c '%a %Y' f1.gz" \
+    "411 252558240 544413660\n411 544413660\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f1.gz
diff --git a/tests/gzip.test b/tests/gzip.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24bd01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gzip.test
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+[ -f ] && .
+#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"
+# Compress files.
+# On success, the input files are removed and replaced by new
+# files with the .gz suffix.
+echo -n "foo " > f1
+echo "bar" > f2
+testing "with input files" "gzip f1 f2 && 
+    test -f f1.gz && test -f f2.gz && 
+    ! test -f f1 && ! test -f f2 && 
+    zcat f1.gz f2.gz" "foo bar\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f2 f1.gz f2.gz
+# With no files, compresses stdin to stdout.
+testing "no files (stdin to stdout)" "echo hello world | gzip > f.gz && 
+    test -f f.gz && zcat f.gz" "hello world\n" "" ""
+rm -f f.gz
+# -c	Output to stdout
+echo -n "foo " > f1
+echo "bar" > f2
+testing "with input files and -c" "gzip -c f1 f2 > out.gz && 
+    ! test -f f1.gz && ! test -f f2.gz && 
+    test -f f1 && test -f f2 && 
+    zcat out.gz" "foo bar\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f2 out.gz
+# -d	Decompress (act as gunzip)
+echo "hello world" | gzip > f.gz
+testing "-d (act as gunzip)" "gzip -d f.gz && 
+    test -f f && ! test -f f.gz && cat f" "hello world\n" "" ""
+rm -f f.gz f
+echo "hello world" | gzip > f.gz
+testing "-dc (act as zcat)" "gzip -dc f.gz && 
+    ! test -f f && test -f f.gz" "hello world\n" "" ""
+rm -f f.gz f
+# -f	Force: allow overwrite of output file
+echo "hello world" > f1
+echo "precious data" > f1.gz
+testing "no overwrite without -f" \
+    "gzip f1 2>/dev/null || echo refused && cat f1 f1.gz" \
+    "refused\nhello world\nprecious data\n" "" ""
+testing "overwrite with -f" \
+    "gzip -f f1 && echo allowed && ! test -f f1 && zcat f1.gz" \
+    "allowed\nhello world\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f1.gz
+# -k	Keep input files (don't remove)
+echo "hello world" > f1
+testing "-k" "gzip -k f1 && cat f1 && zcat f1.gz" \
+    "hello world\nhello world\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f1.gz
+# Test that -9 compresses better than -1.
+for i in $(seq 1 1000) ; do echo "hello world" >> x ; done
+gzip -c1 x > x1.gz
+gzip -c9 x > x9.gz
+testing "-1 vs -9" \
+    "test $(stat -c '%s' x1.gz) -gt $(stat -c '%s' x9.gz) && echo okay" \
+    "okay\n" "" ""
+rm -f x x1.gz x9.gz
+# Test that gzip preserves permissions and times.
+export TZ=UTC
+echo "hello world" > f1
+chmod 0411 f1
+touch -a -t 197801020304 f1
+touch -m -t 198704030201 f1
+testing "permissions/times preservation" \
+    "gzip -k f1 && TZ=UTC stat -c '%a %Y' f1 && stat -c '%a %X %Y' f1.gz" \
+    "411 544413660\n411 252558240 544413660\n" "" ""
+rm -f f1 f1.gz
diff --git a/tests/zcat.test b/tests/zcat.test
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index ccd472c..57af109
--- a/tests/zcat.test
+++ b/tests/zcat.test
@@ -1,26 +1,20 @@
-# Copyright 2014 Divya Kothari <>
-# Copyright 2014 Naha Maggu <>
 [ -f ] && .
 #testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"
-echo "hello" > file
-tar -czf file.gz file
-# Get system zcat
-zcatExe=`which zcat`
-$zcatExe file.gz > zcatOut
-testing "- decompresses a single file" "zcat file.gz > Tempfile && echo "yes"; diff Tempfile zcatOut && echo "yes"; rm -rf file* zcatOut Tempfile" "yes\nyes\n" "" ""
-#testing "name" "command" "result" "infile" "stdin"
-echo "hello" > file1
-echo "hi" > file2
-echo "Hi, Good morning !! I am a bzcat tester" > file3
-tar -czf file1.gz file1
-tar -czf file2.gz file2
-tar -czf file3.gz file3
-# Get system zcat
-zcatExe=`which zcat`
-$zcatExe file1.gz file2.gz file3.gz > zcatOut
-testing "- decompresses multiple files" "zcat file1.gz file2.gz file3.gz > Tempfile && echo "yes" ; diff Tempfile zcatOut && echo "yes"; rm -rf file* zcatOut Tempfile " "yes\nyes\n" "" ""
+echo -n "foo " | gzip > f1.gz
+echo "bar" | gzip > f2.gz
+# zcat is basically just `gzip -dc`...
+testing "files" "zcat f1.gz f2.gz && test -f f1.gz && test -f f2.gz" \
+    "foo bar\n" "" ""
+# zcat -c is allowed, but the -c changes nothing.
+testing "-c" "zcat -c f1.gz f2.gz && test -f f1.gz && test -f f2.gz" \
+    "foo bar\n" "" ""
+# TODO: how to test "zcat -f"?
+rm -f f1 f2 f1.gz f2.gz

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