David wrote:
What I meant was that the MODERATOR did not have a history with you, so
I was stepping in to help the moderator out a little bit.  I am the list

Daniel repsonded:

Yet you did not take it upon yourself to rebuke Ruben and hit two birds  with one 
stone.  Probably  because you have a case  of "jude  syndrome".  Refer  to the Book of 
Jude  and you will read about those who "hold mens'  persons in advantage".  I know 
how it works --  you pick on the  guy  you don't like  or esteem, and let it slide  
with those you deem honorable.   It's hypocricy and sick,  David Miller.

Daniel wrote:
> I Timothy  chapter 2. Shall I quote it for you?
> 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
> 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp 
> authority over the man, but to be in silence. 
> 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
> 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being 
> deceived was in the transgression.
> 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, 
> if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with 
> sobriety.

David  wrote:
The passage seems to omit the part you have added about burning in Hell
for all eternity.  We also need to talk about what the word "teach"
means here in this particular context.  Somehow you equate this with
"posting doctrine on this forum."

Daniel responds:
Only because your brain has an omission, David.  Does YHVH have to spell everything 
out for you?  When a command is  given in scripture,  it is implied that if the 
commanmdent is broken, you will burn in hellfire.   Or when YHVH commands us not to 
commit adultery in Exodus  20 -- are you going to promote adultery merely because the 
consequence  is not given in that  same chapter???  Gee, David Miller, with logic  
like yours I'm beginning to more and more wonder why this forum is called truthtalk  
at  all.

David wrote:
>From my perspective, much of what we call "teaching" in modern times is
highly feminized and not at the level being discussed in this passage.
The stress in this passage is not teaching, per se, as much as it is the
woman not usurping authority over the man.  

Daniel responds:

Oh, give me a break.  You're about as obfuscating  as any politician.  Teaching is 
teaching is teaching.  If I put forth a concept concerning scriptural doctrinal 
matters -- it's teaching.  Even if my "pupils" want to discard it.  When Judy Jezebel  
Taylor took it upon her female self to dissect my Romans 7  article it was her 
TEACHING the interpretation of scriptural  doctrines.  This is strictly forbidden in I 
Timothy  2. The only thing feminized is  you and the rest  of the pencil necked wimps 
who refuse to abide by scripture  and put  these jezebels  in their place.

David wrote:
By your agreement here that women may prophecy, pray, share, relay a
joke, or tell about their cat or dog, you have just agreed that the word
"silence" in 1 Timothy 2:11 does not mean absolute silence all the time.
In other words, you are interpreting silence in a particular context,
and not arguing that women ought to be silent all the time.  However,
you do not seem to be applying this same method of interpretation to the
word "teach."  When it comes to the word "teach" you have a much broader

Daniel  responds:

Paul wrote for a woman to be "in  silence" as it pertains to teaching doctrine  to  
men.  It's not too difficult to understand when you've been delivered from the 
effiminate devils  that control your soul, David Miller.

Daniel wrote:
> You brought up Titus 2:3 . . . try completing  Paul's  
> thought by reading verse  4. Women are allowed to teach 
> OTHER WOMEN. Not other men.  

David wrote:
My Bible in verse 4 does not say, "not other men."  

Daniel responded:

I Timothy 2 tells  women  not to teach  or usurp  authority over men.

Titus  says women can teach  good things -- to other women.

Is this really  so difficult for you?  I am convinced more than ever that you are not 
filled with the Holy Spirit as the  simplicty of  YahShua  the Messiah has been  
squeezed out by your effeminate parsing of  the Word.

David wrote:
Did your mother ever teach you? 

Daniel responded:

Why, she sure did.  But she NEVER taught me doctrinal matters.   That was my dad's 
department PER I TIMOTHY CHAPTER 2.  As I say, let the women  teach other women  and  
children  --  but not doctrinal matters to man.   That is what the jezebels on this 
forum are doing and that is why they are headed for eternal torment -- along with you 
men for allowing the women to become so  unscriptural in their actions.

David said:

I do not believe that women should exercise authority over men and teach
them from that kind of context.  

Daniel  said:

There is only one way for a woman to teach men doctrinal matters.  It's called 
teaching  men doctrinal matters.  Judy's done it, and others  have as well during the 
short time I've been here.   Don't play these silly games Miller, you know  what 
scripture demands -- you're just squirming under the  weight of  the Word and 
conviction.    Hypocrite, David --  like a slippery contact on the bottom of  a  pool 
-- always  trying to  slip away  from the convicting power  of the Holy Spirit.

David  said:
You are not a good listener if you came
away thinking that I support women teaching doctrine to men. 

Daniel responds:

You're actions speak  louder than  words.  Try speaking out and telling judy to stop 
promoting her doctrinal interpretations to other men -- then I'll  believe  you.  I 
don't have trouble listening -- you have trouble with taking responsibility  for your 
own actions (or lake thereof).

David said:
What you do not seem to comprehend is that we do not allow either men or
women on this list to teach in that fashion.  

Daniel  responds:
Now, David, you are a liar.  A hypocrite and a liar.  Your sins don't follow  behind 
you, they  crash out before you like a tidal wave on rocks.  I've put forth my 
teaching, judy  has put forth her teaching, many have put forth their own teachings -- 
just  because the pupils don't accept them does not invalidate them  as teaching.     
Your  statements are pure bullshit, David.  And that's  straight from the Holy Spirit, 
so don't despise my word to you, wicked wretch.

David wrote:
This sounds like a very selfish attitude to me.  A man of God would be
concerned about those who profess Christ who have no clue about the
fundamentals of Scripture.  A man of God would desire out of a meek
heart to help those who are ignorant.

Daniel responds:

More bullshit from you, Miller.  The Ruach  looks at you as dung, even as Jeremiah  
spoke of thousands of years ago.   It is not selfish of  me to realize the fruitless 
wickedness that goes on in this forum -- a forum dedicated to disobeying scripture.  
And you are one of its champions.  Your sins stink and YHVH needs to remove you with 
His mighty  plunger.   I pray He does so speedily.

David said:

I repent of not warning Ruben earlier.  Ruben, you know the rules... no
ad hominem arguments.  

There, are you satisfied now?

Daniel said:

Nope,  neither is YHVH.  Your mockery  and sarcasm  in "repenting" is recored in 
heaven  for the wretched thing that it  is.  Laugh and scorn all you want, you will 
suffer for your sins on Judgement Day  when YahShua  mocks you  and laughs at your 

May  your teeth  be  knocked out (Psalm  3), and may you become ensared in the very  
nets of  deceit that you constantly try to entrap others within.

In YahShua  and by His Ruach ha Kadosh,
Daniel John Lee -- www.TorahandSpirit.com

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