I'd like to show my suggestion to the problem. It is based on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 's solution (some posts above), but it is a bit

 * It also handles multiple messages
 * also based on session.
 * accept html
 * the error type automatically  produces the correspondent CSS class.

It's supposed to be used with genshi. There is a snippet of the
master.html template:

        <div py:if="'flash' in cherrypy.session">
                <p py:for="message in cherrypy.session['flash']"
py:content="message.to_genshi()" py:attrs="message.attrs">Flash

The flash function could be used as:

flash('Item <strong>removed</strong>') or
flash('Invalid date', message_type='error')

Finally, the code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# inspired on 

import cherrypy
import genshi

class FlashMessage(object):
        def __init__(self, message, message_type):
                self.message      = message
                self.message_type = message_type

        def __repr__(self):
                return self.message

        def attrs(self):
                return {'class': '%s' % self.message_type}

        def to_genshi(self):
                return genshi.Markup(self.message)

class FlashMessagesIterator(object):
        def __init__(self):
                self.messages = list()

        def append(self, message):

        def __iter__(self):
                return self

        def next(self):
                if len(self.messages):
                        return self.messages.pop(0)
                        raise StopIteration

def flash(message, message_type = 'notice'):
        if 'flash' not in cherrypy.session:
                cherrypy.session['flash'] = FlashMessagesIterator()

        flash_message = FlashMessage(message, message_type)

def flash_errors(tg_errors):
        for field, error in tg_errors.items():
                message = '%s: %s' % (field, error)
                flash(message = message, message_type = 'error')




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