It would be sensible to case-map ß to ẞ however.

> On 30 Jun 2017, at 16:29, Otto Stolz via Unicode <> wrote:
> Hello,
> der Rat für deutsche Rechtschreibung which is responsible for the further 
> development of the official German orthography has finally recognized LATIN 
> CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S as a possible upper-case equvalent for the LATIN SMALL 
> The report announcing the change is dated 2016-12-08, but the official rules 
> have been updated only yesterday, so the change is currently in the news (not 
> very prominently, though).
> The pertinent section from the official 2107 rules reads thusly:
>> § 25 E3
>> Bei Schreibung mit Großbuchstaben schreibt man SS. Daneben ist auch die 
>> Verwendung des Großbuchstabens ẞ möglich.  Beispiel: Straße – STRASSE 
> Which translates to:
>> When writing all caps, you spell SS. Alternatively, it is possible to use 
>> the upper-case ẞ. Example: Straße – STRASSE –STRAẞE.
> So, SS remains the primary upper-case equivalent of ß. Yesterday’s note to 
> the press says that the capital ẞ is meant mainly for passports and similar 
> official documents, wich have to reproduce personal names faithfully in their 
> respective spelling variants. E. g., Passports used to distinguish proper 
> names such as GROẞMANN and GROSSMAN; up to now, they usually have spelled 
> GROßMANN, with a small ß between the capitals, which renders ugly, in most 
> fonts.
> Best wishes,
>   Otto

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