Akang sareng teteh, ieu tiasa janten calon oge...
DR. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa 

Dr. Raden Mohammad Marty Muliana Natalegawa has been appointed as Permanent 
Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations, with effect 
from 5 September 2007. 

He began his career with the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of 
Indonesia in 1986.

In March 2006, he was appointed as Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to 
the Court of St. James’s and Ireland.

Prior to his assignment in London, between 2002–2005 he consecutively served as 
the Chief of Staff of the Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and as the 
Director General for ASEAN Cooperation in the Department of Foreign Affairs. 
While serving in the aforementioned posts, he concurrently served the position 
of Spokesperson of the Department of Foreign Affairs. His term as Director 
General for ASEAN Cooperation coincided with Indonesia’s chairmanship of ASEAN; 
a period marked by intensive effort to promote the idea of an ASEAN Community 
which was formally endorsed by the member countries through the 2003 Bali 
Concord II. Also during the same period, he saw through the convening of the 
first East Asia Summit (EAS) reflecting Indonesia’s vision of an inclusive EAS, 
with Australia, India and New Zealand among the participating countries, and 
ASEAN as the hub. 

As Spokesperson, he experienced first hand the increased expectations of the 
public on foreign policy matters within the new democratic setting in Indonesia 
and also faced a number of difficult issues, including the effort to address 
the threat of terrorism. On 14 December 2004 he received the First Public 
Relations Society Award from the PR Society of Indonesia.

Dr. Marty Natalegawa also inter alia served as Director for International 
Organizations at the Department of Foreign Affairs. In addition to managing 
Indonesia’s policies at various multilateral forums, he also navigated the 
challenges brought by the separation East Timor post-popular consultation in 

He served at the Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the UN between 1994 and 
1999, including during Indonesia’s membership of the Security Council in 

Dr. Natalegawa obtained a Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National 
University in 1993; a Master of Philosophy at Corpus Christi College, 
University of Cambridge in 1985; and a BSc at the London School of Economics 
and Political Science in 1984. He also attended the Ellesmere College and 
Concord College in the UK between 1976-1981. 

Dr. Natalegawa is married and has three children.

--- On Sun, 8/17/08, jaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: jaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Urang Sunda] Re: calon presiden atawa wakil urang sunda, saha nya?
To: urangsunda@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, August 17, 2008, 11:45 AM

Abdi aya usul salah sahiji tokoh sunda nu bisa urang rojong ka tingkat nasional 

Bpk. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, rektor UI periode 2007-2012, kelahiran 1963, 
Iraha-iraha, KUSnet urang silaturahmi ka anjeuna.

(rerencangan i abdurang gorontalo, anjeunamah nyandak rombongan mahasiwa S1 ti 
daerahna (sulawesi, ntb), teras ngahadap ka rektor UI supados tiasa neraskeun 
S2 di UI rombongan ti daerah teh, diarahkeun kana jurusan Komunikasi Ilmu 
Politik. Tah eta salah sahiji contoh, kumaha urang sebrangmah gede kawanina. 
ayeuna sabagian geus lulus S2, terus maranehna ngagabung nyieun partai politik, 
lolos verifikasi. padahal maraneh nateh teu baroga duit keur kuliah, tapi 
marenehna menta sumbangan/donasi ka pangusaha asal daerahna nu berhasil.)

Sok, para pejabat /rektor ti ITB/UNPAD, dll, saha kira-kira, nu pantes urang 
rojong, tangtuna baraya nu aya di milis US ieu, mangga atuh mararaju,kanggo 
kamajuan urang sunda.

Abdi gaduh contona, nu ayeuna janetn menteri Pertanian, Bpk. Anton Apriantono, 
anjeuna ditawisan janten menteri statusna mung sbg dosen, sanes rektor, tapi 
anjeuna ningalikeun kamampuanana sareng kontribusi na di bidang pertanian, tapi 
nu ngorbitkeun nu paling penting mah, anjeuna caket jeung salah sahiji partai 
nu ngadukung presiden SBY. ditambih anjeuna wantun, jeung aya kawani. teu 
dikira jeung dinyana, janten menteri dugi ka ayeuna.
janten tong sieun, ari aya kamampuan mah, kantun kawani jeung caket jeung 
partai-partai. tong eraan jeung tong sieunan, jeung tong pundungan. mun gagal 
kudu siap hudang deui.
turutan i=urang seberang, manehnamah teu era ngajukeun diri hayang jadi 
menteri, atawa kepala bandan ka barayana di DPR...

Punten nya rada, nyundutan, margi abdi teh gemes pisan, urang sunda teh loba 
potensi, tapi eleh wae ku batur. nu penting mah, kudu ditambah aya kahayang 
jeung kawani.


Kang Jaja
(Batukarut-cibeureu m-sumedang)

--- On Sat, 8/16/08, Siddik Wiradireja <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

From: Siddik Wiradireja <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Subject: Re: [Urang Sunda] Re: calon presiden atawa wakil urang sunda, saha nya?
Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 6:56 AM

Hussss...kasep. .kasep... .gugah itu balong saatttt..
ihhh..ieu mah ari kulem teh meni tibra-tibra teuing...
http://cikundul3. multiply. com
Tong nyaliksik naon nu bisa dicokot ti kiSunda
Tapi talungtik naon nu bisa dibikeun ka kiSunda

From: Dena <denysuwarja2k@ yahoo.com>
Subject: [Urang Sunda] Re: calon presiden atawa wakil urang sunda, saha nya?
Date: Friday, 15 August, 2008, 1:26 PM

Ceuk uing mah, anu kudu dicalonkeun capres ti urang sunda mah:
1. Apih Sidik
2. Ua Sas (wilujeng, nuju dicalonkeun janten Walikota Bandung 
Barat :P)
3. Mang Jamal (ieu pan geus kasohor boga rumah makan Man Jabal)
4. Kang Irpan Rispandi, ngarah rahayat euweuh nu ngarokolah! :)

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com, "Kumincir Wikidisastra" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:
> Anu dua eta mah asa rada teu panuju, eung...
> Ti akademisi/kampus, aya ti Unpad & UI anu sugan tos katingal kumaha
> kamampuhna dina ngokolakeun/ mingpin kampus. Mun di kampus bae teu 
> onjoyna, komo dinagara: coret!
> Cikan sugan aya nu uninga, kumaha yeuh anu katitenan ti Gumilar R. 
> ti UI sareng Ganjar Kurnia ti Unpad? Lian ti eta, aya deui sugan 
kandidat nu
> sanesna anu sacara pulitik geus rada dipikawanoh di tingkat 
nasional? Erry
> R. Hardjapamekas? Eep S. Fatah? Atawa ti militer, aya kitu urang 
Sunda nu
> lumayan onjoy? 
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 3:53 PM, jaja wrote:
> > Cing urang pilarian, kinten-kinten saha tokoh sunda nu pantes 
> > usung pibakaleun calon presiden atawa wakil presiden. Mun kaudag 
urang usung
> > kanggo pemilu 2009, tapi mun teu kaburu mah, urang jaring we 
kanggo pamilu
> > 2014.
> >
> > Urang gaduh tokoh sapertos :
> > 1. Ginanjar
> > 2. Agum gumelar, kira-kira saha deui nya : .....? sok tokoh ti 
> > UNPADm jeung sajabana urang munculkeun ...., mun cacn pantes 
jeung laku keur
> > RI 1 atawa 2, urang sorong keur kabinet.
> >
> > 
> >
> -- 
> sikandar
> kumincir.blogspot. com



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