Hi DuyHai,

Thank you for the comments.
Yes, that's exactly what I mean.
(Your comment is very helpful to support my opinion.)

As you said, SERIAL with multi-DCs incurs latency increase,
but it's a trade-off between latency and high availability bacause one
DC can be down from a disaster.
I don't think there is any way to achieve global linearlizability
without latency increase, right ?

> Edward
Thank you for the ticket.
I'll read it through.


On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 12:01 AM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 8:25 AM, DuyHai Doan <doanduy...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The reason you don't want to use SERIAL in multi-DC clusters is the
>> prohibitive cost of lightweight transaction (in term of latency), especially
>> if your data centers are separated by continents. A ping from London to New
>> York takes 52ms just by speed of light in optic cable. Since LightWeight
>> Transaction involves 4 network round-trips, it means at least 200ms just for
>> raw network transfer, not even taking into account the cost of processing
>> the operation....
>> You're right to raise a warning about mixing LOCAL_SERIAL with SERIAL.
>> LOCAL_SERIAL guarantees you linearizability inside a DC, SERIAL guarantees
>> you linearizability across multiple DC.
>> If I have 3 DCs with RF = 3 each (total 9 replicas) and I did an INSERT IF
>> NOT EXISTS with LOCAL_SERIAL in DC1, then it's possible that a subsequent
>> INSERT IF NOT EXISTS on the same record succeeds when using SERIAL because
>> SERIAL on 9 replicas = at least 5 replicas. Those 5 replicas which respond
>> can come from DC2 and DC3 and thus did not apply yet the previous INSERT...
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Hiroyuki Yamada <mogwa...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been using lightweight transactions for several months now and
>>> wondering what is the benefit of having LOCAL_SERIAL serial consistency
>>> level.
>>> With SERIAL, it achieves global linearlizability,
>>> but with LOCAL_SERIAL, it only achieves DC-local linearlizability,
>>> which is missing point of linearlizability, I think.
>>> So, for example,
>>> once when SERIAL is used,
>>> we can't use LOCAL_SERIAL to achieve local linearlizability
>>> since data in local DC might not be updated yet to meet quorum.
>>> And vice versa,
>>> once when LOCAL_SERIAL is used,
>>> we can't use SERIAL to achieve global linearlizability
>>> since data is not globally updated yet to meet quorum .
>>> So, it would be great if we can use LOCAL_SERIAL if possible and
>>> use SERIAL only if local DC is down or unavailable,
>>> but based on the example above, I think it is not possible, is it ?
>>> So, I am not sure about what is the good use case for LOCAL_SERIAL.
>>> The only case that I can think of is having a cluster in one DC for
>>> online transactions and
>>> having another cluster in another DC for analytics purpose.
>>> In this case, I think there is no big point of using SERIAL since data
>>> for analytics sometimes doesn't have to be very correct/fresh and
>>> data can be asynchronously replicated to analytics node. (so using
>>> LOCAL_SERIAL for one DC makes sense.)
>>> Could anyone give me some thoughts about it ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hiro
> You're right to raise a warning about mixing LOCAL_SERIAL with SERIAL.
> LOCAL_SERIAL guarantees you linearizability inside a DC, SERIAL guarantees
> you linearizability across multiple DC.
> I am not sure what of the state of this is anymore but I was under the
> impression the linearizability of lwt was in question. I never head it
> specifically addressed.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-6106
> Its hard to follow 6106 because most of the tasks are closed 'fix later'  or
> closed 'not a problem' .

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