Works great, thank you!

On 2/9/17, 6:26 AM, "Michael Burman" <> wrote:

    How about taking it from the BoundStatement directly?
    ByteBuffer routingKey = 
    b.getRoutingKey(ProtocolVersion.NEWEST_SUPPORTED, codecRegistry);
    Token token = metadata.newToken(routingKey);
    In this case the b is the "BoundStatement". Replace codecRegistry & 
    ProtocolVersion with what you have. codecRegistry for example from the 
    codecRegistry = session.getCluster().getConfiguration().getCodecRegistry();
       - Micke
    On 02/08/2017 08:58 PM, Branislav Janosik -T (bjanosik - AAP3 INC at 
    Cisco) wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I would like to ask how to calculate token for composite partition key 
    > using java api?
    > For partition key made of one column I use 
    > cluster.getMetadata().newToken(newBuffer);
    > But what if my key looks like this PRIMARY KEY 
    > ((parentResourceId,timeRT), childName)?
    > I read that “:” is a separator but it doesn’t seem to be the case.
    > How can I create ByteBuffer with multiple values so that the token 
    > would be actually correct?
    > Thank you,
    > Branislav

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