I am using the apache.commons.cli CommandLineParser and am running into the 
following problem.....

$ java -jar ./target/sorteria-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f 
C:\shared\HCPAnywhere\AW001_3.0.0.20.iso -t ISO
test = C:sharedHCPAnywhereAW001_3.0.0.20.iso
File = C:sharedHCPAnywhereAW001_3.0.0.20.iso

When getting the -f option which is going to be an absolute file path the 
parser removes the \ character.  If I use \\ this works fine

$ java -jar ./target/sorteria-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -f 
C:\\shared\\HCPAnywhere\\AW001_3.0.0.20.iso -t ISO
test = C:\shared\HCPAnywhere\AW001_3.0.0.20.iso
File = C:\shared\HCPAnywhere\AW001_3.0.0.20.iso

I don't want the end user of this tool to have to know to do this though.  Is 
there a way for the parser to handle the \ character?  Maybe in the creation of 
the options?  What I have for creating this option is....

Option file = new Option("f", "file", true, "Absolute File and Location");


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