
Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

10.10.2014 11:10, Mauro Talevi пишет:
Yes, you can use meta-filtering to exclude some stories.

More simply though you can chose to exclude them from the execution context 
using the StoryFinder.   You can eg put all the stories to exclude in a setup 
dir and use exclude pattern **/setup/*.story.

Have a look at the CoreStories in the examples for the syntax.

On 10 Oct 2014, at 08:39, kvitaliy <vitaliy.kuli...@gmail.com> wrote:

Mauro, thanks a lot for response.

I'm not sure I understand your second answer: its about meta-filtering or 
something else?

Best regards,

09.10.2014 18:28, Mauro Talevi пишет:

Answers to your questions:

1) no, there is no mechanism to skip lines in the examples table, except to 
comment them (|-- prefix)

2) simply exclude the path to UserLogin.story from the execution.  It will only 
be looked up via the GivenStories.


On 9 Oct 2014, at 12:15, kvitaliy <vitaliy.kuli...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I have a problem with understanding of how to use GivenStories.

Assume, we have story file UserLogin.story with next text:

Scenario: user login
Meta: @id1 userLogin

Given the user click on login button
When the user type '[login]'
AND the user type '[password]'
AND the user click on '[btn]'
Then something happens


Also, we have story in another file:

Scenario: scenario name

GivenStories: path/to/UserLogin.story

Given <<given conditions c1,c2,...,cK>>
When <<user actions with params p1,p2,...,pN>>
Then <<expectations e1,e2,...,eM>>

So, two questions:
1. How can I run this scenario only for first row from given story 
2. Is it possible to run UserLogin as precondition only (i mean, i don't want 
to run it outside scenarios, which depends on it)?


Best regards,

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