and files. Maybe it's a Windows 7 specialty when not using the Windows
temp directory? Where are the ITs putting their stuff for testing? Are
there even Windows related tests for the Filesystem storage provider ;)?

There are indeed a number of filesystem tests, although many of them are skipped on Windows:

If you could run the tests on your setup to see if any of them fail, that would be helpful in terms of providing a reproducible case to work on.

Based on the following, I suspect PUBLIC_READ may not work reliably on transient blobstores such as the filesystem provider, though:

To your question of testing blobstore work in general: do you have a testing account with the target provider that you could use? The semantics of local blobstores, and what is and is not supported, can be sufficiently different that test results are not necessarily very predictive of what will happen when you talk to your actual endpoint.



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