Hey all.  I am evaluating syncope as IMS, and want to test the REST API.
For starters, I am using Swagger UI to test self-registration.

1.  (POST /users/self)  When I execute it from the browser, I invariably
receive CODE 403 with message "Access to the specified resource has been

2.  When I use the suggested 'curl' line (
http://localhost:8080/syncope/rest/users/self?storePassword=true, etc.),
'Access Denied' is seen in 'core-rest.log' of the application, but nothing
comes back to the STDOUT of cURL.

3. When I use regular create user in Swagger UI (POST /users) with the same
UserTO payload (see below), the user is created in syncope, code 201 is
returned with a Generated Key.


My question is, what is the correct way of performing Self-registration
using REST API (I need this for our web application?)  Losing my mind over

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