On 01/06/2017 19:40, justin.isenhour wrote:
Hi All,

I am using the Syncope 2.0.3 with ApacheDS 2.0.0-M23 for identity store.  In
ApacheDS I have Must Change Password enabled for the password policy.  When
a new user is created the pwdReset flag is true.  How can I get Syncope to
change the flag to False?  Changing the Must Change Password attribute for
the UserTo doesn't impact this, neither does reset the users password.  So
far I have found no way to change this flag.  I tried adding a mapping
between mustChangePassword and pwdReset with a JEXL transformer to convert
Syncope's 0|1 value to ApacheDS's expected true|false.  With this in place
when I create a user with must change password as true the provisioning is
successful but when I try to create/update a user with value false the sync
fails.  ApacheDS complains that I am trying to set more than one value to
the pwdReset attribute that only accepts a single value.  Anyone have any
thoughts or recommendations?

Hi Justin,
thanks for your interest in Apache Syncope.

It seems you have come quite far with Syncope LDAP configuration, nice :-)

I am not very familiar with ApacheDS' pwdReset attribute: could you please point to me in which LDAP ObjectClass is that available? I would like to replicate your setup.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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