It depends on what you mean by velocity tools.

As the description on
says, a tool is just a Plain Old Java Object, so any Java object can act
as a tool.

Officially, a "tool" is something that can be automatically placed in
the context when you have a more complex/automatic Velocity Engine
setup, like VelocityViewServlet or VelocityStruts, or using one of the
configuration mechanisms listed on

Unofficially, if you're working directly with the engine, you can place
any object in the VelocityContext when rendering a parsed template.

So, there's no restriction on the class that you're using as a tool,
other than:

- only public methods can be invoked from Velocity, but there can be
helper private methods if they help you organize the code
- if the tool is automatically instantiated, it must have a public
constructor with no parameters; if you instantiate it manually, you can
pass as many arguments as you want in the constructor

On 08/08/2013 12:06 PM, O. Olson wrote:
> Hi,
>     I am wondering if there is any documentation on writing your own Utility 
> Class or Custom Tool to add to Velocity. The only place I found some help is 
>  (There 
> is something regarding Custom Tools at 
>   - but I 
> could not find anything regarding  Utility Classes that we can push into the 
> Velocity Context.)
>     Originally, I was thinking of doing my processing/customization in 
> Velocimacros, but that is turning out to be a bit more complex/cumbersome 
> than I expected. I am thinking of doing this in Java, and pushing the results 
> to the Velocity Context as a single object/utility class instance. For 
> purposes of discussion let us assume, I do something like the following in 
> Java:
>     VelocityContext context;
>     context.put("myUtil", new MyUtil());
>     I'd appreciate if I could get answers/ideas on:
> 1.    I am wondering if MyUtil() needs to be static across requests.  I 
> intend MyUtil() to provide easy access and manipulation of the current 
> request. Hence, I would probably do something like the following in Java:
> context.put("myUtil", new MyUtil(currentWebRequest));
>     i.e. I would instantiate MyUtil with the current Web Request. MyUtil 
> could then provide easy access to say the Number of Rows in the Request. So 
> in the Template I could do:
>     $myUtil.NumRows
> If MyUtil() is static, this would not work, because different requests would 
> have different number of Rows. Should the Utility Class/Object be static? The 
> example mentioned above shows only static methods, hence my question.
> 2.    Should my Utility class follow the bean syntax i.e. for the above 
> example of  $myUtil.NumRows in the template, would I need to declare 
> something like the following in the MyUtil Java class:
> public int getNumRows() { }
> 3.    What would be a good way to pass a Constant from Java to the Template? 
> Should I use the bean syntax again? E.g. in the template
>     Would I need to have something like:
> public int getJAVA_CONSTANT () { }
> Thank you in advance for your help,
> O. O.
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Sergiu Dumitriu

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