
This mail is about a deployment of computers with IPv6 network stack and
questions about best practices in this regard.

Please feel free to redirect me to more appropriate mailing lists if this
is not the right one.

I am working on the device management for an initial set of about 10000
computers for the end of 2008. Those computers will be included in a
Internet subscription by an Internet Service Provider.

Those computers will use a classic IPv4 network stack for Internet
connectivity with dynamic IPv4 addresses.

However those computers will be remotely administrated. To do so I intend to use
an IPsec VPN with IPv6 unique address per computer.

The management servers will have IPv6 connectivity to the IPv6 backbone,
so the IPv6 VPN used for network administration could also be used as
tunnel to access the IPv6 backbone by the computers.

My initial idea was to assign to each computer an unique 64 bit host id
and a /64 network prefix based on the management server it depends
on. The initial 10000 computers may then be followed by several other
bunch of 10000 computers, depending on the commercial success of the

Depending on the charge on the server, each server may handle a few
thousands of computers to a few tens of thousands.

Each home with the same Internet connection will share the same /64
prefix. Each server will have a /48 prefix and could handle up to 2^^16
different home networks. Likely this means I will need a /44 or /40
prefix as soon as I use more than two management servers.

Should I use site local or global adresses for each computer, given that
it could be connected to the IPv6  backbone ? Can my application for a
/32 prefix could be granted for such a need ?

Should I use 64 bit host id for the computer, or, given the high number
of /64 subnet needed, I should go for /80 net prefix and 48 bit only for
host id ?


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