No, I'm notinjecting dlr-mask or dlr-ulr to the.

11/11/2016 13:14 Stipe Tolj kirjutas:
Am 11.11.2016 07:57, schrieb Gert Tamm:
A SMSC of mine says that they don't allow getting notifications from
them. How could I turn off the Notifications?

notifications == DLRs (delivery reports).

Are you setting any 'dlr-mask' and 'dlr-url' when injecting the MTs via the smsbox's sendsms HTTP interface? If yes, simply ommit that part for that specific SMSC.


Tervitades/Best Wishes,
Gert Tamm
Süsteemiadministraator/System administrator
Direct Messenger OÜ

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