On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 08:18:18AM +0300, abdirezak musse yusuf wrote:

> [root@localhost mbuni-1.5.0]# mmsbox2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691]
> [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = -1, log_file = <none>, log_lvl =
> 02011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691] [0] ERROR: fopen failed: couldn't
> open `mbuni.conf'2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691] [0] ERROR: System
> error 2: No such file or directory2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691]
> [0] ERROR: mms_cfg.c:151 <mms_cfg_read> [mms_cfg] [n/a] failed
> to read config from `mbuni.conf'2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691] [0]
> ERROR: System error 2: No such file or directory2011-11-13
> 04:22:51 [15691] [0] ERROR: mmsbox_cfg.c:119
> <mms_load_mmsbox_settings> [mmsbox] [n/a] Couldn't read
> configuration from 'mbuni.conf'.2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691] [0]
> PANIC: Configuration file loading failed, file:
> mbuni.conf2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691] [0] PANIC:
> mmsbox(gw_panic+0xc2) [0x80a1b22]2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691]
> [0] PANIC: mmsbox(main+0x3fb) [0x80544ab]2011-11-13 04:22:51
> [15691] [0] PANIC: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc)
> [0x506e8c]2011-11-13 04:22:51 [15691] [0] PANIC: mmsbox
> [0x8053ff1]
> PLEASE help if you can see any mistake in this operation. also
> tell me the directory of the mbuni.conf and give me a sample
> mbuni.conf file.

when running mmsbox like that, make sure that you give it a path
to it's config file as a command line argument.

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