
In Jenkins project we are working on the upgrade to the latest version
SSHD. We were staying on the old version for a long time, but the recent
bump to Java 8 unblocked us. Unfortunately we have one issue with one
dependent library in SSHD 1.4.0.


   - SSHD Core 1.4.0 depends on EdDSA-Java
   <https://github.com/str4d/ed25519-java> 0.1.0
   - Jenkins core bundles other SSH-related libraries like our fork of
   Trilead SSH <https://github.com/jenkinsci/trilead-ssh2>
   - This fork has been updated recently, and the new version includes
   EdDSA-Java <https://github.com/str4d/ed25519-java> 0.2.0
   - EdDSA-Java 0.2.0 is not binary compatible with 0.1.0 (mentioned in the
   changelog <https://github.com/str4d/ed25519-java#020>)
   - Even though the dependency is optional, there is a risk of collisions
   in Jenkins (core libraries are not isolated && accessible to plugins).

EdDSA has been already update in the SSHD master branch (SSHD-727, commit
If SSHD maintainers are fine with this minor compatibility issue, It would
be great to get a release of SSHD 1.5.0 or to get its ETA to adjust our
Thanks in advance,
Oleg Nenashev (github: oleg-nenashev)
Jenkins Project

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