
I am investigating to embed Apache SSHD in my own project. My main concern is, 
can Apache SSHD work on traditional synchronous socket/InputStream/OutputStream?

My situation is a little unusual. I already have a secure link between two
machines (say, via Bluetooth), so a byte stream can be established. What I need
SSHD for is the functionalities of shell access, scp, and sftp. I am planning
to lay those protocols on top of the (custom) byte stream. I will need a way
to feed the InputStream/OutputStream to whatever SSHD components that implement
those higher-level protocols. Thus my question.

The Github page says this regarding MINA core: "Optional dependency to enable 
choosing between NIO asynchronous sockets ... and "legacy" sockets". That seems
to suggest synchronous sockets. But the source code of

DefaultIoServiceFactoryFactory and BuiltinIoServiceFactoryFactories sowed doubt
in my mind. 

I am completely new to SSHD. Can anyone put some certainty in my mind? =)

Thanks in advance,

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