
I am having some troubles with orchestra maintaining some beans in
"conversation access" scope. First, could someone explain me why the beans
constructor is called multiple times? In my app I have multiple beans with
the same conversation name and when I access one of the other beans from my
bean, it seems as it is picking a new instance. The same scenario works fine
using "session" beans, but of course then I lose all the nice transaction
management from Orchestra. Anyone with an idea where I can I look? How is
people dealing with JPA and transactions scoping multiple requests in JSF 2?

I am having another issue as well. Even if I have one bean, the data seems
not to be in the model when I click on a button that invokes a method in
that bean. For this specific case, I have a <f:metadata> section with a
viewParam. I can see the param being set in the update model phase, but the
bean's existing data seems to be lost? For sure, I must be doing something
wrong but I am unable to see what.



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