On 02/07/2017 01:07 AM, Michael Gratton wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 5:52 AM, bruce davidson
> <darkoverlordofd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, this question strikes home: "Should we just tell people to not
>> use Vala in the first place"
>> I wish you had. I was going to put my projects on hiatus until you
>> made your decision on Vala's future. But I have no confidence that a
>> decision will be made, and Vala will just continue languishing at Gnome.
> Nah. People still use vala, it's still being maintained, it's still
> the best way to write GTK+/GNOME apps that compile down to native
> code. Why advise people against that? :)
> //Mike
I'd like to throw in that even if GNOME completely abandons Vala, it is
still the one and only language of the whole elementaryOS project. Each
and every of their user-facing applications is written in Vala. There
are more parties in GNOME that have a serious interest in keeping Vala

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