Quoting t.t...@cwi.nl:

Hi all,

A really unpleasant thought has occurred to me: Is VIFF really properly
asynchronous? (Yes, this question is intended to provoke you into thinking
about the issue below. Of course VIFF is asynchronous in the sense that
there are no rounds.)

If I understand/remember correctly, VIFF is 100% single threaded. This
means that if we have a small program:

x, y = runtime.shamir_share([1, 2], Zp, input)
z = x*y
for i in xrange(100):

1) We first share two values (returning immediately).

2) We start doing a lot of multiplications. However, as we don't have
the actual shares yet, we just get deferreds.

3) Once the for-loop terminates, we return control to the
surroundings. At this point we notice that the shares of x and y are
there and start the actual multiplication protocols.

Is my interpretation above correct? Because if it is, then this really
explains the memory issues I've been seeing. And more importantly, it
tells us how to actually use VIFF for large-scale computation: put in
explicit "stops".
Yes, that is how it works. Martin tells me that putting in "stops" is indeed the way to handle it, and apparently Marcel has done this successfully.

However, I don't see how this makes VIFF less asynchronous. We are forcing it to synchronize to avoid some memory usage, but that in itself does not make it synchronous.

The problem is that new python objects are created in each iteration of
the loop, but the program does not try to get rid of any of the old ones
by actually processing them. With 100 iterations, this is not a big deal,
but if this is replaced by 10000 or 1000000 (which is not unreasonable),
it really becomes a problem.
Indeed. I suppose that is the cost of handling it with deferreds, although I can imagine that other ways of implementing it would also run into problems if you carefully scheduled enough multiplications that depend on each other.

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