Hello group,

Have a read at what Roy Virgilio (nicknamed here "eroyka". I don't think a presentation for him is needed, but for those who don't know already, he's an acquaintance of Ni-H LENR researcher Francesco Piantelli and people working with him) just wrote here on his Energeticambiente.it forum:


My translation to English:

Hello everybody,
I'll attach here the press release of the WSEC presentation.

It will be a historical event. For people following Piantelli, I've been made 
aware that he's too sent documentation regarding his work, to be disclosed 
during the workshop organized by Celani.
Have a nice reading.
As soon as I'll have confirmation of where to follow the event (if anybody 
already knows, please step forward), I will share it here.

The press release referred by Roy Virgilio is in Italian, but an English version can be downloaded from 22passi in the following link:


(source: http://22passi.blogspot.com/2012/01/ultimi-aggiornamenti-sul-wswec-2012.html)

This is strictly regarding the WSEC conference in general and doesn't contain specific information about Celani's workshop (and neither did Celani's abstract for his talk contain information about Piantelli [1]), so we have to trust Roy's word that information about Piantelli will be presented as well. It looks like it's been a last-minute addition.


[1] available here: http://www.22passi.it/downloads/Celani%20Abstract.doc

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