Jones, Could we possibly identify the aether in terms of relativistic frames? I 
don't think anyone would argue with exchanges between time and space creating 
unbalanced reactionary motion from the perspective of the stationary observer 
viewing a .9 C spacecraft on his radar screen.. obviously the spatial 
displacement is  going to be wrong because the ship is traveling the hypotenuse 
between the spatial direction of travel and time- instead of .9C the radar will 
only display the displacement of the spatial component unaware of the temporal 
portion. Changes in direction made now while the spacecraft is a different 
frame will appear unbalanced from the stationary perspective because of this 
temporal component. IMHO Casimir effect is relativistic in the opposite manner 
wrt near C travel. Casimir effect forces longer wavelength /larger VP to rotate 
90 degrees from the spatial axis out onto the temporal such that the Lorentzian 
shrunken remainder can now fit between the boundaries, time is accelerated 
inside this frame relative to the stationary observer while time for the 
observer on the near C spacecraft is slowed wrt the stationary observer. I 
guess these near C effects would be rarely viewed since any significant change 
in direction at luminal speeds would tear apart almost any macro object but I 
think they can occur easily in the opposite direction where we the stationary 
observers become the equivalent of near C spacecraft relative to the frames and 
nano observers inside a Casimir cavity - instead of dx the suppression of 
larger VP in cavities creates dt. In the case of LENR I think this is the 
bootstrap mechanism where the nature of molecular gas motion based on HUP 
provides motion between different frames and discounts the disassociation 
threshold beyond unity while also dilating time such that an accelerated 
reversible reaction between fractional hydrogen molecules disassociating as 
they migrate further from the relativistic frame at which they formed and then  
immediately change to the new frame as atoms and immediately reform as 
molecules at the new frame level. Of course that was my pet theory for 
anomalous heat but my point here wrt reactionless drives is that this 
segregation of frames whether in Casimir cavities or possible setup by standing 
waves in a microwave cavity [don't forget we also knew ablout anomalous 
spontaneous emissions in microwave cavities] also has unbalanced reactions at 
its core because of the temporal component-  whether it is photons, electrons 
or gas molecules doing the reacting doesn't matter it is IMO the segregation of 
the vacuum density at the heart of all these anomalies.

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 9:43 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Dirac's sea, the EM Drive and Weyl fermions

There is a complex web of cross-connections between HTSC (high temperature 
superconductivity), Weyl fermions, an active aether, copper-oxides, and the RF 
resonant cavity thruster of Shawyer et al (the EM drive). The cross-connections 
are ill-defined at present and could be coincidental, but we can take notice of 
the various links and use that information to steer research.

This is especially interesting if we can define an "aether" in such a way that 
it cannot be discredited. One way is via the theory of Don Hotson. The epo or 
BEC is based on Dirac's equation and theories - as is all of Hotson's 
"interpretation of Dirac" and this aether-like field consists entirely of 
massless electrons, possibly now defined as Weyl fermions, in the context of 
massless positronium.

It makes sense to suggest that the Weyl fermion, which has been recently 
confirmed as real, is indeed an outlier of the same aether-species of Hotson. 
Since the BEC (as aether) is fully contained throughout another more basic 
spatial dimension or foundation (which can be "reciprocal space" or 1D) it 
would not be unexpected to find some of these massless electrons escaping into 
our 3-Space, and apparently they are coaxed out of the aether dimension via 
various "semimetals" which are also superconductive oxides. Wheeler's "quantum 
foam" may be additional evidence of bleed-over from an epo field into 3-space.

The Meissner effect is usually explained as the expulsion of magnetic flux by a 
superconductor in a magnetic field, but that may be a partial understanding. 
The phenomenon would be explained differently if we focus on an aether composed 
of Weyl fermions as Dirac's sea. This would indicate that Meissner repulsion 
can become (at least partly) a Coulomb's Law effect - instead of only 
inductive. Probably it is a bit of both and possibly this combined effect 
relates to the tiny thrust of the EM drive, where the cavity asymmetry creates 
a "wake" of virtual Weyl fermions.

A final piece of the puzzle seems to be that only copper works for the frustum 
of the EM drive, which would naturally have a copper oxide coating. Silver and 
stainless steel have been tried and don't work. Copper oxides can become 
superconductive at high temperature, most often when compounded with other 
elements. However, there is evidence of that a thin copper oxide coating would 
have some properties of HTSC on a transitory basis.

An interesting detail is the implication that CuO could be a Weyl semimetal and 
transient HTSC. CuO possibly only works in a very thin layer which explains why 
some cavities work better than others.

It would be most intriguing if transient HTSC can be further linked to the Weyl 
fermion and to copper oxide and to reactionless thrust. Don Hotson may have 
posthumously shown us the way.

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