-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil .... If LENR is heavily deployed in a high density urban 
housing situation, then a dense field of general muon interference will produce 
a impossible to shield zone of electronic and electrical failure.

There is a well-known way to mollify this problem affordably, and provide extra 
energy at the same time. Lead itself is way too expensive.

The idea is to capture muons in a thick jacket around the reactor. Very thick. 
The only way to do this cheaply is specialty concrete.

10 feet thickness of specialty concrete which is made with the addition of iron 
ore and lead ore to Portland cement will convert 90% of muons into low grade 
heat. Copper tubing can remove the heat. Not fancy, but ideal for places like 
northern China and Russia which can use lots of low grade heat. A dollar of 
lead ore is superior to $100 of lead metal.

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