- The definitive LENR experiment type.

   nyone who want to understand LENR through experimentation is well served
   by doing laser irradiation of gold nanoparticles in a solution of a salt of
   a radioactive isotope as Andreev has done.

   A comment on the The Andreev paper

   Cs-137_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80 %D0%A0%D0%A3%D0%94%D0%9D

   using laser ablation for quenching the radioactivity of Cs-137.

   Using laser light conversion to a coherent magnetic field through the
   interaction of coherent laser photons and gold nanoparticles shows how the
   LENR reaction works.

   The LENR reaction is mediated by an amplified weak force. The production
   of a coherent magnetic field through the use of laser light irradiating
   gold nanoparticles greatly strengthens the weak force.

   LENR is a consequence of the amplified strength levels of the weak force
   that existed at the beginning of the cosmos where it reaches grand
   unification strength levels. At these immense levels of strength, protons
   and neutrons decay into strange matter mesons.

   A.V. Simakin has also produced a full range of laser based irradiation
   of gold nanoparticle experiments that show accelerated weak force activity
   including stabilization of radioactive isotopes, fusion and fission.



   A comment on the following paper in Russian
   A.I. Laptukhov"The possible mechanism of the quenching of the
   radioactivity of the isotope Cs137


   Among other things, this paper remarks about the steady production of
   gamma radiation even when the rate of stabilization of the isotope CS137 is
   accelerated by some 1200 times the expected rate. The decay of Cs137 is an
   exothermic process; excess energy would be expected to be generated from
   the conversion of the unstable isotope to the stable daughter decay product.

   Where does all that energy produced by the stabilization of the isotope

   At the most basic level, I have always expected that LENR is a result of
   a single foundational mechanism, namely the accelerated action of the weak
   force under the catalytic effect of quantum coherence.

   This decay process should always produce positive energy. But in this
   particular case, no excess energy appears, so the energy flow away from the
   reaction is not detected.

   Holmlid faced this issue in the early stages of his experiments where
   there was an expectation of a large amount of energy production that did
   not become apparent. Holmlid finally detected the production of sub-atomic
   particles that formed a chain of decay from strange matter based mesons
   through kaons, pions, muons, and finally electrons.

   Under the single cause of LENR posit, the same thing might be happening
   in this laser based experiment. Muons may be coming off the gold
   nanoparticles as a result of an energy storage mechanism inherent in the
   LENR reaction.

   In more detail, this energy storage mechanism may be centered on the
   Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) produced by the laser photons as they
   interact with the surface of the gold nanoparticles. The gamma radiation
   coming off the decaying Cs137 isotope might be absorbed by the SPPs and
   stored until enough energy is accumulated to produce strange matter mesons
   that eventually decay to hard to detect muons that distribute the weak
   force based decay reaction energy to the far field.

   This process of particle production from stored energy is called

   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadronization

   An experimental method that might show this energy migration path is to
   detect muons using the Holmlid method or place the Cs137 salt solution with
   gold nanoparticles in a cloud chamber and look for charged particle tracks
   coming of the isotope solution as it is being irradiated with laser light.

   The detection of muons would point to an amplified weak force reaction
   catalyzed through nanoplasmonic based laser induced coherence.

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