They are closely related, as angular momentum (in classical mechanics) is the sum of the angular momentum of each object in the system measured about its own axis, along with the sum of the linear momentum of each object crossed with its radius vector. Total angular momentum depends on where you put the origin -- but then, total linear momentum depends on your frame of reference, as does total energy.

However, linear and angular momentum are conserved separately. Given a particular frame of reference and origin, you can't start with 50 kg-m/sec of linear momentum and magically reduce that to zero while increasing the angular momentum of the system by an equivalent amount.

Granted, in classical mechanics the conservation law for angular momentum is derived from the conservation law for linear momentum, but when you get into quantum mechanics, not so much.

On 12/29/2016 12:42 PM, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

On 12/29/2016 12:31 PM, Vibrator ! wrote:
Offering the implied presence of classical symmetry breaks as evidence of their impossibility - ie. "it can't be right because it'd break the laws of physics" - is surely redundant; the claim is explicitly a classical symmetry break, that's its whole prospective value, and reason for our interest.

It is of course trivial that linear momentum can be converted to angular momentum,

Do tell.

Got an example of that?

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