I think you might have missed my point.  The body dumps excess minerals and
vitamins out of your body through urination.  The body cannot separate zinc
and copper in its task of dumping an excess.  So, if you have a normal
amount of copper and supplement with zinc, the body will dump the excess
zinc and will take copper with it.  Since  you started with the correct
amount of copper, by dumping copper (along with the zinc excess) you become
copper deficient.  This also works the same way with sodium and potassium.
Take in too much sodium and the body's dumping of excess sodium can make
you potassium deficient.  All of these "companion" minerals should be taken
in balance.

Copper pipes passivate themselves pretty quickly with ordinary water, and
the water that comes out of your tap will not contain much after the first
year... Unless you have softened water.  Soft water really wants to grab
mineral salts and put them back into the water.  So, the combination of
softened water and copper pipes will lead to a lot of copper in the water.
I have softened water, but it is flowing through plastic pipes.

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 4:43 PM, a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Bob,
> The Molecular Multi does contain Zinc.   I believe Dr. Sardi has done his
> homework, although I suppose there are other opinions.   Sardi writes this
> about copper.
> Copper
> Copper is a strong oxidant. It is required for connective tissue
> (collagen) formation.
> The installation of copper in place of lead plumbing and piping has
> changed the whole approach to copper nutrition. Inorganically bound copper
> in dietary supplements and drinking water it much more damaging to the
> brain than bound copper in foods. The Alzheimer’s epidemic coincides with
> installation of copper plumbing in developed but not undeveloped countries.
> [Nutrients <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26633489> 2015; Journal
> Trace Element Research <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22673823> 2012]
> AA
> On 3/18/2017 1:51 PM, Bob Higgins wrote:
> So, will the suppliers of the vegetables grown in this manner supply a
> pill in the package for the missing nutrients in their prodcuts?
> It is not as easy as it sounds to find an acceptable supplement.  The
> Formula Inc "Molecular Multi" is far from complete.  Where are the calcium,
> copper, and vanadium?  The body's regulatory system dumps excess zinc and
> copper together (without discrimination).  If copper and zinc are not taken
> simultaneously, dumping the excess zinc will cause a copper deficiency.
> Vanadium in trace amounts helps prevent (and treat) adult onset diabetes.
> The "Molecular Multi" may not even be "better than nothing".
> So why aren't we in more trouble today with the lack of the nutrients in
> farm produced vegetables?  Because meats are rich in many of those
> nutrients and most of us eat meat.  Despite the fact that I hate the
> thought of eating animals, I recognize that with today's marketplace foods,
> I would become malnourished by not eating meat.  Eating veal is even more
> nutrient rich because nutrient absorption by the young animals is far
> higher than older animals.

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