Axil Axil wrote:

Holmlid needs to pump energy into the ultra dense hydrogen for weeks before mesons begin to be detected. But after that energy was loaded, exposure to lab lights were enough to feed meson production.

Now that you mention it - there is a good chance that Holmlid could almost single-highhandedly rescue LENR from the doldrums. A few changes in his present setup should suffice.

He is using a catalyst which does not store deuterium the way that palladium can. And he is not getting much fusion - mostly muons.

If Holmlid were to integrate palladium into his system for increased storage, it is possible that he could could achieve the robust on-demand type of gain which has long eluded others.

The path Holmlid is on now seems to based on the Shell catalyst because it works as an efficient spillover catalyst and is ferromagnetic and inexpensive. The Letts/Cravens effect indicates that laser irradiation works far better in a magnetic field.

If palladium could be added into the mix, then much more UDD could be stored than in his present setup. Palladium in not ferromagnetic, so consequently he would need both catalysts. As of now, Holmlid sees some fusion but far more muons -- and muons are not easily converted into heat. His results would arguably be much better in terms of excess heat if he could alter his setup to see more deuterium fusion and fewer muons. An easy way to do that seems to be to mix palladium powder with the Shell 105.

This would not be hard to pull off ... and the upside is significant.

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