As observed in the Holmlid experiments, LENR energy could be formated into
the form of subatomic particles that are hard to detect.

These hard to detect subatomic particles could be carrying off any
remaining residual LENR based kinetic energy  from the reaction site. There
may be a method that can be engineered that can capture this energy so that
this LENR energy can be localized to the site of the reaction and converted
to heat.

On Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 10:41 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Brian Ahern wrote:
> > After 28 years nobody has succeeded in generating 100 watts excess in a
> repeatable process. In fact there is no qualified system that can achieve
> 10 watts excess and a COP > 1.5
> ... and Bob Cook says I'm too cynical ...

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