According to Abd... "All claims dropped on both sides. It is as if the suit was never filed. All parties bear their own costs. The action of the Agreement was the consent of counsel to settlement without any court order other than dismissal, which is final."

No agreements were included... so unless they present something otherwise in a joint statement, IH retains the original E-Cat License. No money changes hands.

As for the future of the litigants, it looks like IH paid about $11 million ++ for a License which according to them is worthless insofar as it was never shown to produce excess heat. Add to that the attorney fees and we see why many observers consider IH to be the big loser in this.

That assumes the IP is really worthless, but it may have value in a surprising way, even if Rossi could never make it work. Here is the granted patent, and there are a number of applications not granted.

Darden raised much more than his losses on the Rossi fiasco and there is a small chance that he could make lemonade out of the Rossi lemons, using some of it. An interesting development in all of this will be the course that IH takes from here on with the remaining money. They are known to have been funding others in LENR all along.

Of course IH could abandon the field altogether, but maybe they have a vision which transcends Rossigate. Possibly the best thing that could happen is for Randell Mills to demonstrate strong gain in that SunCell device. If it turns out that Mills device is arguably nuclear - it will not be covered by the hydrino IP. There have already been "inside" rumors that recent delays in the "Mills' Roadshow" are due to radioactivity showing up. This is expected in LENR but not in hydrino-tech and it could change the IP landscape.

Footnote. Rossi's IP covers "Group 10 catalysts" which are nickel, palladium and platinum. It does not cover silver, which is being used by Mills and is Group 11. Silver is easily activated and perhaps it is activated by dense hydrogen. Mills' IP would not cover nuclear reactions. This puts him in a bind. If silver is required, but becomes activated, then there is an IP storm brewing.

If I were advising Darden, it would be to look at quickly expanding the IP to fill the gap which exists when Mills can no longer hide the radioactivity of the SunCell.

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