Axil Axil <> wrote:

As produced by IH, the spin, astroturfing and propaganda that LENR has seen
> is just a foretaste of the effort that will be put forward by the
> oil/gas/coal/wind/solar industries when LENR goes public.

Axil: You said that he has not read the Penon report. So you know nothing
about Rossi's claims and you have no business discussing them or
criticizing what I and others say. We know what Rossi claims, and you
don't, so shut up.

I expect opposition if cold fusion goes public, but there has been NO spin,
astroturfing and propaganda from I.H. They had no need for that. They were
not happy with what there was.

I myself played a leading role in attacking Rossi at LENR Forum. If you
accuse me of being opposed to cold fusion or being duped somehow to think
there is problem with Rossi where no such problem exists, I say you are
contemptible, you know nothing about me, and you have not contributed
anything to this field compared to me.

- Jed

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