The Higgs boson with spin 0 is now proved, at least to most physicists. It is the only spin 0 massive particle known to exist in nature, if it is not a funding vehicle for CERN ;-)

A hypothetical particle of interest (wrt UDH) is known as the chameleon particle. It has zero spin and other possible features which are compatible with those of UDH.

The $64 question: Could UDH actually be the chameleon, and/or is it spin 0?

One way to both detect and modulate the virtual neutron, if it exists in the form of UDH and has spin, would be by the Larmor frequency in a magnetic field (NMR).

The Larmor frequency can be visualized as magnetic precession along a force axis, analogous to a spinning top. Here is the range of frequencies for related particles (you will not be able to see this table in plain text):

Particle        Spin    
w_Larmor /B
s^-1 T^-1



1.7608 x 10^11

28.025 GHz/T


2.6753 x 10^8

42.5781 MHz/T


0.4107 x 10^8

6.5357 MHz/T


1.8326 x 10^8

29.1667 MHz/T

The spin of UDH, considered as a neutron-like unit containing 3 quarks, but not an elementary particle (or is it?) is an interesting subject but there is very little authoritative guidance.

If UDH has effective QM spin of 0 then easy detection is going to be difficult and its usefulness diminished.

In 1955, Italian Physicist Don Carlo Borghi synthesized neutrons in a Klystron filled with hydrogen and irradiated with microwaves. Neutrons were verified by the assorted radioactive isotopes following activation, and their decay rates. The experiment was validated by Missfeldt in 1978 in Germany. The experiment was further validated by William Gray of Menlo Park CA circa 2000.

Mainsteam science generally overlooks these experiments... and especially the validation by Santilli, who actually is selling a commercial version as a neutron generator -- but possibly the high level rejection is for the wrong reason. The experiments were very likely making dense hydrogen, not neutrons. UDH or ultra-dense-hydrogen has many of the same characteristics as the neutron and can be called a "virtual neutron". The decay mode is even similar.

Gray used a Cyclotron to energize protons to 0.78 MeV and an Electron Gun to match their velocities, and got high yields. In its virtual neutron state, the orbital electron travels at 2.74 x 10^8 m/s, according to Gray - not light speed, because the proton and electron radii limit the orbital size to 2.76 fm. Gray also fused the species into helium. He calls this process Modulated Quantum Neutron Fusion.

Many of Gray's papers can be found at

Finnish theoretical physicist Matti Pitkanen discusses some of this here:


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