I don't think this has been posted to Vortex before.
I believe it describes Brian Ahern's approach to LENR.
Does this imply he believe Rossi's results?

Any comments?

Lou Pagnucco

From: http://www.scribd.com/doc/55221791/Clean-Enenergy-From-Nano-Materials

New Clean Energy Opportunity
Vibronic Energy Technologies Corp

In 1961 newly appointed physicist Otto Reifenschweiller infused
15 nanometer titanium particles with tritium and found a 40% reduction
in radioactivity by cycling the material above 140 degreesC (1).
His mentor advised him that this result was heretical and advised
burying the result in order to have a viable career. Indeed, he buried
the result until after his retirement in 1998 as Director of the
Laboratory at Philips Eindhoven ND, perhaps the premiere research
laboratory in Europe.

In 1995 VETC personnel identified a new class of vibrational properties
in a narrow size regime between 3 - 15 nanometers (2).  All materials
processed in this very narrow size regime have unusually large vibrational
modes. The modes are so unusual that they catalyze a wide range of new
energy pathways.

In 2008 Yashiaki Arata, Japan's most decorated scientist, made a major
announcement about energy release from nanopowders infused with hydrogen
(3). Arata and Reifenschweiller both used metal nanopowders below 15
nanometers and both observed a surprise in output.  Reifenschweiler saw
a reduction in radiative output. Arata saw energy output without any of
the anticipated radiation. Clearly the chaotic movement of the dissolved
hydrogen isotopes was profoundly affected.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) (4) agreed to a replication
effort of the Arata experiment that began in July 2009. The Arata reports
of continuous thermal energy output with no electrical energy input were
achieved with full reproducibility. Arata used nanoscale nickel-palladium
islands encased in a matrix of zirconium oxide and infused with hydrogen

On January 15, 2011 Sergio Focardi and Andreas Rossi (5)demonstrated
commercial scale, 12 kilowatt power output from nanomaterials in fused
with hydrogen similar to the EPRI study.They used nickel nanopowders with
an undisclosed promoter element to enhance the loading of hydrogen to ever
higher concentrations. Romanowski (6) has suggested that copper is the
promoter element best suited for dense hydrogen loading.

These high loading conditions are believed to favor a new form of
hyper-dense hydrogen at theinterface between the metal islands and
the dielectric ZrO2 matrix (7). The hydrogen atoms undergoing energy
localized vibrations can interact with the host nickel lattice nuclei.
This is themost direct physical process for chemical conditions
to impact nuclear reaction rates.


(1) O.Reifenschweiler, Reduced Radioactivity of Tritium in Small
    Titanium Particles,
    Phys LettA. 184 (1994) p. 149-153

(2) Fermi, Pasta and Ulam’s famous 1953 simulation identified
    anharmonic modes that are present in all materials processed
    between 3-15 nm.
    See Ulam, Memoirs of a mathematician

(3) Arata, Y., Y. Zhang, and X. Wang.
    Production of Helium and Energy in the "Solid Fusion"
    (PowerPoint slides)
    in 15th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science.
    2009. Rome, Italy: ENEA.
    This can be found at: http://www.lenr-canr.org/LibFrame1.html

(4) Electric Power Research Institute, Menlo Park CA,
    Contract EP-P32769, monitor, Dan Rastler

(5) Focardi, S. and A. Rossi,
    A new energy source from nuclear fusion.
    www.journal-of-nuclear- physics.com, 2010 on line.
    Also See world patent disclosure WO 2009/125444 A1

(6) S. Romanowski et al,
    Density Functional Calculations of the Hydrogen Absorption on
    Transition Metals  and their Alloys, Langmuir 1999, 15, 6773-6780

(7) S. Yamaura et al,
    Hydrogen Absorption on Nanoscale Pd Particles in ZrO2
    Matrix Prepared  from Zr-Pd amorphous Alloy
    J. Mater, Res., vol. 17, no. 6, June 2002 P. 1329  **STOP**/

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