On Thu, 2011-12-22 at 19:27 +0100, Man on Bridges wrote:
> Hi,
> On 22-12-2011 4:07, Jeff Driscoll wrote:
> > Basically a high energy photon's first step towards becoming matter
> > happens at orbitstate n = 1/137.05999679 which Mills terms the
> > "transition state orbitsphere".
> Here's that number 137 again, is it possibly the same 137 which applies 
> to the maximum number of steps for "squeezing" a hydrino?

Fine Structure Constant: 1/137.035999074

Frank Znidarsic's number = z = 1094000 m /s
speed of light = c = 299 792 458 m / s

(z * 2) / c = 1 / 137.016662706


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