On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 3:15 AM, Ian Glen Walker <walker...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all
> More Scientists putting their head above the parapet. A paper positively
> reviewing the work of Prof. Arata, by Florentin Smarandache and Vic
> Christianto has appeared on vixra under the mathematics section:
> “Unleashing the Quark Within: Lenr, Klein-Gordon Equation, and Elementary
> Particle Physics”
> http://vixra.org/abs/1404.0314
> There appears to be a growing consensus in the scientific and engineering
> communities that LENR/CF is real.

This is a theory paper.

As Norman Ramsey pointed out in his preamble to the DoE's original review
of cold fusion: "However, even a *single* short but valid cold fusion
period would be revolutionary."

If you can't get "scientists" to look at the experimental data, you aren't
making progress -- largely because you can't find any scientists.

OK, I'll soften that just a touch to be kinder to theorists with this

If, in a theoretic review, there appears proposals for experimental tests
that should be reliably replicable and decisive, the review would, indeed,
represent progress toward the mainstream.

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