On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:


The paper you cite talks about the changing masses of ⍴ and A mesons under
strong magnetic fields.  It does not talk about meson condensation.  It
does mention some interesting points, however:

   - "It is known that cosmic space objects called magnetars or neutron
   stars possess magnetic field in their cores equal to ∼ 1 MeV. [sic]"
   - "The values of magnetic fields in non-central heavy-ion collisions can
   reach up to ... ~ 290 MeV^2"

Another paper indicates that in the cores of neutron stars [2], where the
magnetic field is ~ 10^15 Tesla, ⍴- mesons *might* condense (the ⍴ meson is
only slightly heavier than the π- meson, which is what we need for muons).
 We have a number of degrees of freedom to pin down to get any closer to
our meson condensation:

   - What is the strength of the local magnetic field in a small volume in
   DGT's reactor?  Is it in the twilight zone?  Is it actually pretty small?
   - What is the effect of an extreme magnetic field on the condensation
   of π mesons?  Does it enhance it?  Does it inhibit it?  I get the sense it
   could go either way.
   - How does the environment in a small volume in DGT's reactor compare to
   that in the core of a neutron star?  Is it as extreme?  Is it perhaps less

I'm going to guess that we don't even have a prima facie case to become
interested in the possibility of meson condensation at this point.


[1] http://physik.uni-graz.at/~dk-user/talks/Chernodub_25112013.pdf (see p.
[2] http://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.0139.pdf (see the second half of p. 4).

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