First, The burben you feel is due to the nature of how discussions in this list 
are distributed.  I feel your pain and I feel the burden myself.  I made a 
suggestion in the past that this list should be converted to a forum format to 
lessen the burden and distraction to members.  The forum format allows the 
member to participate in a topic only he desires without annoying others.  
Clearly, this fact alone has contributed to this "impose"  and "burden" that 
you are lamenting.  The list email format is counter-productive.  Maybe you 
should try to prevail on Bill to change it to improve the increasing 
communication burden you feel, instead ot trying to stifle discussion on topics 
clearly many people are interested in.

Second,  Clearly, there is much interest in the topic of Darwinian Evolution 
and Carbon Dating and Global Warming.  I have many posts because many questions 
have been directed to me by several members.  They ask an important question, I 
try to answer.  You will notice that this time around, I have not posted on a 
purely religious topic unless as an answer to a direct religious question.  

Third, the topic of Evolution, Carbon Dating and Global Warming are 
controversial and discussions will necessary drift to areas where other people 
consider to be religious and metaphysical - although these topics in itself is 
"science", and hence appropriate for this forum.  This is part of the vibrancy 
that creates the unique environment in this forum.  If you want a monolithic 
mindset and you want to suppress discussion because you feel "burdened" or 
"imposed", you only do so at the expense of what makes this forum unique.  If 
you want non-controversial topics only, you will get a dull forum.  Take a page 
from Lomax's NewVortex forum.  It's heavily moderated where monolithic thinking 
is imposed.  It is an oppressive and dull place to participate in.  (Funny 
thing - Even Rocha got booted out of that place.)

Fourth, The spat in the past was due to me reacting to lies and insults thrown 
my way.  I have since taken that lesson to heart and this time around, I don't 
repond to insults and lies against me anymore.  I try to stay on the topic of 
the discussion.

Fifth, What's with this "sneaking" accusation.  If I tried to "sneak" back, I 
would have not used my real name and confess to every one that I am Jojo Jaro.  
I came back because I feel that certain ideas are taking hold in vortex that I 
feel were leading many people down the wrong LENR research path.  But my 
involvement has since balooned beyond what I would have initially wanted due to 
many questions and controversies, and people's deliberate attempts to provoke 
me.  (Rocha comes to mind.)  This forum has been a burden to my time these last 
few days, so I wouldn't consider it a big loss if I get banned again.  In fact, 
I have moderated my response this last day, due to time constraints.  So, have 
at it my friend.

Sixth, Clearly it is a slow time.  The discussion about these topics you 
lament, has clearly made this forum a more vibrant place these last few days.  
If you begrudge that, then you are not interested in the success of this forum. 
 Besides, you are one of the more prolific posters on a topic you are now 
accusing as an Off-topic topic - global warming.  Do I sense hypocrisy and a 
double-standard here?

Seventh, I have made a promise to myself to try waste less time in here.  So, 
you will find fewer post from me.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 12:16 AM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:SunCell - Initial Replication Attempt

  On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 3:28 AM, Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

    It's a slow time.  If something interesting occurs, I'm sure people will 
stop asking me questions and I will stop responding.

    You should not begrudge a few off-topic discussions.  It helps while the 
time away.  Besides, I am not starting these threads.

  I will take your cavalier response as an indication that you don't care about 
whether you're being a burden on other people on this list and will be in touch 
with Bill Beaty shortly.  He may or may not remove you once again.  That will 
be his decision.


  (For those of you who missed the backstory, Jojo was previously on this list 
under the alias "Jojo Jaro," and was removed sometime back along with Abd 
Lomax.  Abd Lomax was a valuable contributor to this forum and got caught up in 
an extended altercation with Jojo centering on religion.  The thread on 
religion lasted many weeks.  During that time Jojo demonstrated that he had no 
regard for the other list members, who repeatedly asked him to get back on 
topic and moderate his participation and tone.  Jojo has since sneaked back 
onto Vortex with a different email address and alias, but it seems he has not 
learned from the previous incident, even the lesson of keeping a low profile.)

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