Who knows what will happen. $2K cars? Tiny small single-seater vehicles for 
commuters to drive to work or to the grocery store. Self driving cars? Yea, 
very likely too. Transportation will evolve. Collectively, we will determine 
the best course of action. Very few individuals on their own have the capacity 
to predict what will eventually happen. The unpredictable collective principals 
of emergence will drive this one, not any single individual. 


Perhaps a little bit of synchronicity will play mysteriously into the mixture 
as well. For example...


Years ago I was visiting Portland. While there I went into Powells Bookstore. I 
was wandering aimlessly down a dark isle my hand reached out for a book. I'm 
not sure what it was about this book that initially caught my eye. However, 
when I picked it out I noticed the author had spent some time studying the 
social behavior of ants. He spent some time studying these creature because he 
was researching the rules of emergence and how those rules play out within 
complex societies. The mysterious rules of emergence work with all kinds of 
living creature from all scales, from brain cells, insects, all the way up to 
humans crammed within a city environment. The subject of ants combined with the 
concept of emergence piqued my interest. I recalled as a young teenager I had 
studied the hive minded behavior of social insects - like ants. I managed 
several ant farms which included the queen. Sometimes I spent hours watching 
the collective behavior of these creatures with a powerful magnifying glass. 


Returning back to the present I was curious as to who the author was. Was it 
anyone I knew?


Here is the author talking about his book on emergence at a TED talk:




Other than the fact that I could not rid myself of a feeling that the equally 
mysterious rules of synchronicity had perhaps played an amusing game with my 
psyche, the author bares no relation with me whatsoever. Granted, I realize I'm 
anthropomorphizing the behavior of the Universe. But what the hell. The 
universe plays tricks with me all the time.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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