Some friends have been telling me interesting things about the 
upcoming game The Sims (see 
""): in particular, I'm told 
that all the emergent behavior of the Sim people is based on 
programmed reactions to the objects around them.  I haven't seen this 
in action yet, and I don't know if I believe it (I'd believe "some" 
or even "most" but "all" might be an exaggeration) -- and even if 
it's true, it's still a far cry from creating stories.  But it does 
suggest possible approaches for keeping lots of irrelevant minor 
characters running around in a story-world to make it look 
populated...  Not only street crowd- and traffic-behavior simulations 
(which I've now seen in a couple of 3D games, after first 
encountering them at SIGGRAPH a few years back in a German company's 
demo), but miscellaneous people populating buildings and such...


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