On Dec 17, 2009, at 1:52 AM, Simon Pieters wrote:

On Thu, 17 Dec 2009 10:30:26 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:

Some of us at Apple have discussed fullscreen APIs, and we think a user gesture requirement plus clear indication of what has happened is likely sufficient.

As to the API itself: we tentatively think a good API would be to make a specific *element* go full screen, rather than the whole Web page. Some use cases for fullscreen will indeed want to transition the whole page, for example, let's say a Web-based editor wants to provide a distraction-free fullscreen mode like WriteRoom. However, it seems like many common use cases will benefit most from taking only part of the page full-screen, for example video or games, where it's common for the original content to only be a small box in the page.

Now, content could just manually hide the parts of the page in response to an event. Or you could provide a special media type or pseudo-class to use CSS to hide the unwanted content.

In Opera, @media projection targets full-screen mode. It's possible though that a page would want different styles when the whole page is in full screen and when an element is in full screen.

A page may also have multiple elements that could potentially be the focus when going full screen (for instance if it has multiple embedded videos) so it can't just use a single @media rule to hide all other content.

 - Maciej

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