Q1.  There is no correct answer offered by Andy.
For starters, to comply with WAI-A you need to comply with all WCAG1 Priority 1 Checkpoints, for WAI-AA you need to comply with all WCAG P1 and 2 checkpoints, and to comply with WAI-AAA you need to comply with all WCAG P1,2 &3 checkpoints.  So complying with just one checkpoint within Priority 1 does not mean you comply with WAI-A at all.
Q1.a is addressed incorrectly, Andy's question is ambiguous
Q1.b  This is plain false
Q1.c This is also a misrepresentation.  There is no such requirement.  Take a close look at the real requirement.
Q2.a You are incorrect if you choose this answer
Q2.b That's one checkpoint towards WAI-AA, but you need all the rest of WCAG1 P1 & 2 as well (
Q2.d False
Do I need to go any further?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mordechai Peller

That is a very very poor quiz, and shows the author does not understand WCAG1 very well at all.  Actually, it shows more that he does not know how to form the proper questions.
The quality of the questions and quiz aside, why do you think the author doesn't understand WCAG!? My impression was the opposite.

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