Bottom line: How can I set global xkbmap options for X2Go Sessions?
I use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with Mate and X2Go.
Every time I log in, I need to set the xkbmap option "numpad:mac"  otherwise my numpad doesn't work.
I can set it for my user either from a terminal by executing "setxkbmap -option 'numpad:mac'" or by putting it into .bash_profile.
I need to set it for all the users. If I put the above command into the /etc/profile.d/xbkmap.sh file, I cannot start the X2Go session on RHEL 7, though it works on RHEL 6.
For normal, not X2Go xsession the xkbmap option can be set in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf, however it is not used by X2Go since it has it's own x-server on the client PC.
How can I set global xkbmap options for an X2Go Sessions?
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