I'd like to be able to capture the version of x2goclient in a script and report it back to the user externally. Use case for this would be an external info dialog when running x2goclient in a thin client environment. Bash script would look something like this:

VER=$(x2goclient --version)
echo Your version is $VER

The client generates lots of additional info and warning messages to stderr, which I can suppress using grep -v. I can get a clean version number if I call it standalone on the cli:
$ x2goclient --version 2>&1 | grep -v x2go
When I do this, however, I get "Terminated" added to the output.

But as soon as I try to capture the output in a subshell per the first snippet, the client can't get the tty and so opens the GUI About dialog. I've tried using the --hide option, but this doesn't help.

I would like to just be able to invoke the client and get just the version number with no additional output. I could just query the OS package manager to get the installed version, but this doesn't give an accurate result if I'm running from a binary I've compiled from source. I'm working on hacking the code to get the result I want, but wonder if there is an easier solution.

Any suggestion? Please let me know.


Seth Galitzer
Systems Coordinator
Computing and Information Sciences
Kansas State University
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