----- Original Message -----
From: "Kimbro Staken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: Problems With Implementing XMLDB API

> > It seems that somewhere along the line whoever designed the XML:DB API
> > decided
> > that XPath queries should return ResourceSets which seem to map to very
> > coarse
> > grained database objects like XML documents and BLOBs even though XPath
> > queries can return strings, booleans, numbers and node lists. Reconciling
> > both
> > these realities would involve a less than trivial amount of workarounds to
> > what I think is fundamental flaw in the XML:DB API design.
> >
> > Is there any rationale behind ResourceSets and Resources being the most
> > granular objects that can be returned by XPath queries?
> >
> Yes, because a Resource is an abstraction for any kind of data that can be
> stored within the database. Right now the limitation is not in the fact
> that it returns resources but that it returns an XMLResource and an atomic
> value is not XML. This only affects XPath queries that return atomic
> values, node lists map into a list of resources. This is a known issue
> that I was hoping to address in the next revision of the API. We can
> discuss how on the API list. This isn't the W3C, there is no cost to
> participate and we could use the help.

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