At 21.15 01/04/11, you wrote:

Recently, the directors of a company that uses a mail server XMail have purchased IPhone terminals, which have set up to manage their mailboxes through the IMAP protocol.

This configuration has led to the creation of a folder "Deleted Messages" and "Sent Messages" in addition to the folders that normally exists. These new folders are used by the iPhone to save a copy of sent messages and deleted messages.

I've been checking the account settings in the iPhone to indicate that leaves no copy on the server or sent items or deleted items but I have not found any option that allows it. This is causing me to reach their mailbox quota limit.

Not sure that I understand your problem, but I'm running XMail on Windows, with a mailbox directory structure, together with a webmail client that creates its own folders for sent messages, deleted messages etc, like this:



XMail totally ignores folders other than mailbox and only counts messages in mailbox for purposes of enforcing the quota limit. If the IPhone behaves like my webmail client, this should create no quota-related problems.

Ciao, Francesco

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