On 2014-11-09 Kevin Wilson wrote:
> The forum webpage give an error.

Thanks. I fixed the link.

> So I hope you will forgive me
> for sending to xz-devel, in the hope that someone may advice.

This list is fine for user questions too.

> According to the man page of xz, it seems that
> xz folderName or
> xz folderName/
> is enough.
> However, when running:
> xz /etc/
> I get;
> xz: /etc/: Is a directory, skipping
> I saw that it is possible with the tar command, with soem command
> options, but isn't it possible with xz ?

xz isn't an archiver, that is, it cannot pack multiple files into a
single file. tar is an archiver but it isn't a compressor. To archive
and compress, you can use tar and xz together:

    tar cf - /etc | xz > etc.tar.xz

GNU tar and BSD tar can call xz themselves:

    tar caf etc.tar.xz /etc

Maybe you have used .zip or .7z files. With such file formats the
archiving, compression, and possibly also encryption are done by a
single file format and tool. When using tar with gzip/bzip2/xz/whatever
the tasks are done by separate file formats and tools.

Lasse Collin  |  IRC: Larhzu @ IRCnet & Freenode

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