Hi Tobias,

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Tobias Schlitt <tob...@schlitt.info> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> The idea of your fix looks generally correct to me. However, we cannot
> simply change the content of the request body, since it would break BC.
> Instead we basically have 2 choices for implementing handling of large
> files:
> 1. Adding an option to switch on stream based body handling.
> 2. Abstracting body extraction into a dedicated object to allow
> dependency injection for handling of large bodies.
> I'm not yet sure, which way to go. We should discuss this on the list.

Option #1 should be enough I think. This idea of using a stream is really
interesting. I hardly see any use case for option #2 actually.

Jérôme Renard
http://39web.fr | http://jrenard.info | http://twitter.com/jeromerenard

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