On 25/01/2014 19:10, Joe Darcy wrote:

Please review my large, but largely straightforward, changes to fix

    JDK-8032733: Fix cast lint warnings in client libraries

Many of the changes were enabled by the clone method of an array being redefined to return the array's type rather than object; IIRC, this was part of the generics set of language changes back in Java SE 5.

With these changes as-is, an open-only Linux build succeeds with the "cast" warning enabled and fatal during the build. The build aspects of these changes have already been approved on the build-dev list. I will submit a jprt job before pushing to flush out any other cast instances that need to be corrected; I'll send out another review request for any incremental changes.

Alan, there are some non-client changes mixed in here too.
The only non-client changes that I see are to Setup.gmk (previously reviewed on build-dev) and Sdp.java. The update to Sdp.java looks okay. It might actually be possible to put the statement on one line now (at least I assume it was the cast that caused this to spill over into a second line originally).

I skimmed over the patch file looking at the other changes and don't see anything obviously wrong. For cases like this then the real test is whether it compiles (and given the platform code here then it means checking all platforms and builds).

As a side point, client changes have been going into jdk9/client rather than jdk9/dev so I just wonder if there might be changes backed up in jdk9/client that might cause issues when merged.


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