Webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~prr/8143177/
Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143177

This webrev contains the changes accumulated in the harfbuzz project forest
that migrate JDK from using ICU for opentype font layout to harfbuzz for the same.

The change does not introduce API. It is mostly adding the harfbuzz library.
The ICU library remains there but is no longer the default.
Eventually (not necessarily in 9) it may be removed once we are comfortable
with harfbuzz.
You may select ICU by using -Dsun.font.layoutengine=icu

You may see which layout engine is in use by using -Dsun.font.layoutengine.verbose=true
it will print either "Using harfbuzz", or "Using ICU".

The change has no impact on typical Latin script rendering but is a big advance for complex scripts and also applies if you select kerning or ligatures for Latin. However the latter is only detectable if the font implements support for these. By "big advance" I mean that ICU has not been updated to recognise recent opentype features. So harfbuzz should fix a number of things but unexpected changes that look wrong
should be reported so we can investigate.

To use harfbuzz we invoke its shaper and we provide a way to get jdk font information. This means that we do not need a different layer depending on whether freetype or t2k
is used. It also enables some caching in the JDK font layer.

On macosx harfbuzz does not natively read the AAT tables but will invoke CoreText. This does mean that an AAT font installed on Linux would not be processed but this is not a significant issue since AAT fonts are not found other than on macosx.

The majority of the files in the webrev are harfbuzz itself, changed only to comply with JDK whitespace rules. Reviewers should probably concentrate on all of the rest. I've listed it so that all those files are at the beginning and you can ignore all those
that follow that are in the "harfbuzz" directory.

The harfbuzz version used here is 1.0.6 which is the latest source release (at the time of writing).
We expect to update this to keep reasonably current.

I would like to push this in on Friday, but at the very latest Monday because of the
upcoming Feature Complete date so there are a couple of days to make small
tweaks for serious problems but there will be plenty of time after integration to fix
remaining problems.


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