Hi Sergey,

For the second approach I have created webrev for review.

Please review updated webrev :


-----Original Message-----
From: Jayathirth D V 
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 2:23 PM
To: Sergey Bylokhov
Cc: 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net; Philip Race
Subject: RE: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-8044289 : In 
ImageIO.read() and write() NPE is not handled properly for stream

Hi Sergey,

Thanks for your inputs.

Indeed all the null values returned by createImageInputStream() and 
createImageInputStream() are valid only.

I went through the code more and found that there is no need for fix in 
ImageIO.read() methods as null stream is handled in read(ImageInputStream 
stream) which is called by all the remaining read() API's through IAE. So i can 
remove the changes made  in ImageIO.read() functions. Also istream is closed in 
finally block of read(url).

For ImageIO.write(File) &  ImageIO.write(OutputStream) NPE we have two 
approaches for fix:

1) Keep the present changes of throwing IOException when stream is null and 
change the throw clause of write() spec mentioning:
        "IOException - if an error occurs during writing or not able to create 
required ImageOutputStream"

2) Remove the present changes and handle null in doWrite() method by returning 
false when stream is null & add code in finally block to close the stream       
 only when stream is not null. Along with this we can also change Returns 
clause of spec to mention that write() might return false when we are not      
able to create ImageOutputStream.
            private static boolean doWrite(RenderedImage im, ImageWriter writer,
   ImageOutputStream output) throws IOException {
                        if (writer == null) {
                                return false;
                        + if (output == null) {
                        +       return false;
                        + }
                try {
                            return doWrite(im, writer, stream);
                } finally {
                         + if (stream != null)
        Returns :
                false if no appropriate writer is found or not able to create 
required ImageOutputStream.

Please let me know your inputs.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sergey Bylokhov
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 12:24 AM
To: Jayathirth D V
Cc: 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net; Philip Race
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-8044289 : In 
ImageIO.read() and write() NPE is not handled properly for stream

On 17.03.16 21:14, Jayathirth D V wrote:
> There are many places in createImageInputStream() and 
> createImageOutputStream() where it will return null for stream.

But when why you change the write/read methods? They should take null into 
account and work according to specification. If some bogus null returns from 
createImageInputStream/createImageOutputStream then it should be fixed in these 
> So for NPE described in bug to occur there can be multiple paths:
> 1) One of the path described in bug is when theRegistry.getServiceProviders() 
> throws IAE and we return null.

This is the case when we have no installed spi and should return null/false.

> 2) When we pass non-existent file path to ImageIO (as described in 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11153200/with-imageio-write-api-call-i-get-nullpointerexception
>  ). Here we catch FileNotFoundException but still we return stream as null at 
> the end which will cause NPE further.

This is same thing described in the bug(about stream.close()). The write method 
call createImageOutputStream() and got FileNotFoundException. 
This exception should be propagated to the user, but it is replaced in the 
finally block, because we try to close the stream=null. So the fix for this 
particular case is to check the stream to null in finally, No?

> 3) When we don't support the provider and theRegistry.getServiceProviders() 
> return iterator with size zero.

This means that our providers do not support this case, and we should return 

> For us to follow first scenario we need access to categoryMap of IIORegistry 
> and delete the ImageInputStreamSpi/ ImageOutputStreamSpi but I was not able 
> to find a way to tamper it from test case. If we follow second case 
> FileNotFoundException will be thrown by default eventhough we handle NPE.

But you change the code and we now contradicts the specification, in your case 
the test should expect false/null from write()/read().

> In the test case we are trying to following third scenario to get stream as 
> null to verify the code changes.

To catch the bogus null we should try to use another approach, or change the 
spec. But it seems all null values above are correct, we should be ready for 

> As part of collective fix we are throwing IOException which will indicate 
> that we are not able to create required stream.
> Thanks,
> Jay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sergey Bylokhov
> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 7:27 PM
> To: Phil Race
> Cc: Jayathirth D V; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-8044289 : In 
> ImageIO.read() and write() NPE is not handled properly for stream
> On 17.03.16 0:36, Phil Race wrote:
>> I don't think that is the actual reason here
> But the test doing exactly this thing -> deregister all spi => in this 
> case according to specification all related
> methods(read/write/creatImageInputStream/creatImageOutputStream) should 
> return null or false.
> - it seems likely that there
>> was some kind of internal error or bad SPI causing this.
>> So throwing an exception seems more appropriate.
> the problem was in some of our methods which do not expect null in some 
> places(like stream.close() from the bug description).
>> And also the bug was originally solely about write(..).
>> -phil.
>> On 03/16/2016 01:35 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
>>> As far as I understand the createImageInputStream() returns null is 
>>> this stream is unsupported by current plugins via spi. Probably the
>>> read() method should return null too?
>>>      /**
>>>       * Returns a {@code BufferedImage} as the result of decoding
>>>       * a supplied {@code InputStream} with an {@code ImageReader}
>>>       * chosen automatically from among those currently registered.
>>>       * The {@code InputStream} is wrapped in an
>>>       * {@code ImageInputStream}.  If no registered
>>>       * {@code ImageReader} claims to be able to read the
>>>       * resulting stream, {@code null} is returned.
>>>       *
>>> .......
>>>       * @return a {@code BufferedImage} containing the decoded
>>>       * contents of the input, or {@code null}.
>>>       */
>>>      public static BufferedImage read(InputStream input) throws 
>>> IOException
>>> On 16.03.16 20:29, Philip Race wrote:
>>>> The test writes out into "test.src".
>>>> I believe that you should treat that as a "read-only" location.
>>>> Write to a tempfile (File.createTempFile()) or TESTCLASSES.
>>>> -phil.
>>>> On 3/15/16, 10:50 PM, Jayathirth D V wrote:
>>>>> Hi Phil,All
>>>>> _Please review the following fix in JDK9:_
>>>>> __
>>>>> Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8044289
>>>>> Webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jdv/8044289/webrev.00/
>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejdv/8044289/webrev.00/>
>>>>> Issue : When createImageInputStream() or createImageOutputStream 
>>>>> returns null in ImageIO.read() or ImageIO.write() we are seeing 
>>>>> NPE as it stream is used further without null check.
>>>>> Root cause : "stream" is used without checking whether it is null 
>>>>> or not.
>>>>> Solution : Handle null pointer of stream and throw IIOException.
>>>>> Test case contains all possible scenarios where
>>>>> createImageInputStream() or createImageOutputStream can return null.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jay
> --
> Best regards, Sergey.

Best regards, Sergey.

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